We got our spurs!
From left to right: MSG Reaves (Platoon SGT), myself, 1LT Garrett and SSG Trevino (NCOIC)
front row is MSG Reeves, SPC Hulse, SGT Miller and 1LT Garrett.

4 Very good men: Major Roskowski, 1LT Robson, 1LT Barrett all in the second row and 1LT Garrett in the front row. Great men that work hard to keep the squadron running.
During this ceremony we also received our CAB's (combat action badge). This was given because of an attack on our area back in early September. Luckily the only casualty was our building. The Chaplain's office was damaged the most, but God was looking out for him. He had left for his leave about 2 hrs prior.
Major Goettle getting his CAB from the SCO (Squadron Commander)

CPT Brian Dukes getting his CAB

Getting my CAB

4 Very good men: Major Roskowski, 1LT Robson, 1LT Barrett all in the second row and 1LT Garrett in the front row. Great men that work hard to keep the squadron running.
Major Goettle getting his CAB from the SCO (Squadron Commander)
CPT Brian Dukes getting his CAB
Getting my CAB
Now the awarding of the Spurs. I kind of felt like a horse getting shoed. Makes more sense than having us stand and lifting a leg behind us though.

Each soldier is awarded a pair of gold spurs.
The Spurring ceremony shows you belonged to a Cavalry Unit while deployed to a theater of war.
Not everyone was at the ceremony because we have to continually keep operations going. It's too bad, but understandable. I hope that each soldier can take pride in the job they do. It is not the mission we thought it would be 2 years ago, but it's an important mission none the less. There are a lot of good men and women here doing their jobs day in and day out. All of us miss our homes and loved ones and look forward to being back home.
up next "Medcap"
up next "Medcap"