Here it is December already. At times it seems like it's flying by, but at other times it drags so slowly. I've been trying to keep active by doing different things. Below is a picture of my Tae Kwon Do class. I take it on Thursday and Saturday evenings. It's been fun so far, a little like drinking through a fire hose at times, but I'm hoping to catch up with Luke by the time I get home. He and I are thinking about taking classes together.
you might be able to tell.
I'm sure glad I'm not using film anymore. I shot a lot of this picture trying to capture a great sunset here at VBC. This one has some pretty good color to it but still lacks the real beauty of sunsets back home. The hill on the right is commo hill. The dirt is supposedly from all the lakes on base that were created by Saddam.

As I'm sure for all of you, Thanksgiving was a big event. It was a nice day for us as well. Although we couldn't close the clinic to celebrate, we made the best of it. We changed our sick call to the morning and just had the afternoon for urgent care.
We hung out at the aid station and talked and watched movies while we ate our meal. The meal was pretty good too. As always, we ate too much and just wanted to nap afterwards.
Below are some pictures of the day, starting with the chow hall.
We all took our food to go, a 45 minute wait in line.
It was worth it though.
Styrofoam Stryker with frosting paint.
Some of the decorations and a look at the chow hall.

As I'm sure for all of you, Thanksgiving was a big event. It was a nice day for us as well. Although we couldn't close the clinic to celebrate, we made the best of it. We changed our sick call to the morning and just had the afternoon for urgent care.
We hung out at the aid station and talked and watched movies while we ate our meal. The meal was pretty good too. As always, we ate too much and just wanted to nap afterwards.
Below are some pictures of the day, starting with the chow hall.
We all took our food to go, a 45 minute wait in line.
It was worth it though.
If you look really close you can see finger prints in the swans
where soldiers wanted to see what they were made of.
All the decorations made it feel a little like being on a cruise.
Notice the fine plates and silver.
There are always reports to complete.
Will can, at least, watch the movie from his conputer.
It was worth what I payed to watch it, which was nothing.
A wonderful ending to a nice,
but far from home, Thanksgiving.
I hope that yours was great
and that you spent time with family and friends
and really enjoyed them!
Next edition: My trip to Quatar
Thanks for checking in, Mike
Thanks for checking in, Mike
Thanksgiving has come and gone and soon it will be Christmas. Our thoughts are with you and your entire group always. Bless you all. We think of your family too-thank goodness for the computer and phone so that you do get to keep up with each other. All of you are surely some of the things that we are so very thankful for.
Had my Center appointment today and Holly and Lisa were almost as excited as I was. I get to go back into shoes and begin walking again. It has been a very long haul this time. Very tender skin, so will have to take the walking slowly and still use the wheelchair a lot. Scott made me new silicone orthodics. They are so comfy. Jerry will be checking my feet several times a day. If all goes well (and no blisters), I will start physical therapy again in January. What a terrific Christmas gift for me-one of the best I could have. The next greatest gift would be for all of you to stay safe and well and to join us here state side as soon as possible. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. The Good Witch
Hey Mike, Well, the temperature here at the Marshall Farm is 2 degrees now 8:17pm and the high has been in the 20-30 degrees. Some snow over the weekend not much but very cold. Some Eastern towns are in the 0 to minus 15 degrees at night like Burns and LaGrande and others too. John, been sing We have a tropical heat wave and tropical heat wave and so on. From the Grumpy Old Men movie. So for the wonderful sun alittle of heat on my face. We have heard about Bagdad are boming are you all the units are helping out? The news wasn't good here in the States about the Health Care of Public Option and the war and other stories from D.C.. But here at the farmhouse the news is John is going to have the same surgery sometime in January or February 2010 in Madras Mt View Hospital and we are going to Dr. Thomas Scherer, MD.. John has GERD problems and a hiatial hernia the size of of a man fist in his chest. Well, that's the news about John. I am fine but when I had the surgery I have been have hiccups bad. John told Dr. Scherer about the hiccups and he said to us I see Keith soon.
John and I have your own laptop computers at this time John is watching Gillgian's Island on his computer and I am watching Crimial Minds on CBS at 9:00pm. And writing to you.
Oh, John says Hi to you and all of you there. And Seattle dog is sayig Hi to everyone dog in the neighbor hood of barking and barking and so on. Well take care our friends. Happpy Holidays to all. Love, Linda and John and Seattle dog.
Hey, Mike we are all thinking of you and your family. I hope you have a nice Christmas. We are hoping to come see ya' all when you return, maybe Spring Break, but that may be too soon for you. Take care and thanks for all you do. WE LOVE YOU!
Sandra, Rob, Spencer, Sydney, and Sami
Happy Holidays to you Mike & all 82nd, We miss you very much and 82nd too. John and Seattle dog and me send all of you lots of hugs and kisses and licks too. Love, Linda and John and Seattle dog and Lilo & Lynn girl cats too.
Hi Mike,
I have just been reading your blog having hit the 'next blog' link from mine. I'm an Australian Army officer and this time last year I was in VBC. I can let you know some about some things that you have photographed, like what function occurs in the Juicer, if you want to drop me an email at:
llanwarne80 at
My blog address is:
Merry Christmas.
Hey Mike,
I was giving you the heads up and a short replay from when I saw you at the Center. The wound was osteomylytis,pseudomonas. The rod was removed and an ex fix was put on. Oct 21 Holmboe did a bone graft (ouch) and a steel plate. I went in and saw him again on the 22 of Dec and my leg has healed. Damn that rototiller any way. I am starting PT at the new year and I plan on Walking the rim Run on the Steens in Aug. I wanted to thank you for helping me and making me feel comfortable with my leg. Thank you again.
Neala AKA The rototiller lady.
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