If you don't know what Geocaching is, let me tell you a little bit about it. Basically, geocaching is treasure hunting with a GPS! I'm not sure how long it's been around, but there are over 900,000 sites listed on the geocaching website. When you sign onto the website, you can look for hidden caches in an area by typing in something as simple as your zip code, and maybe a distance you are willing to travel. Then you can read about all the different caches in that area, locate one that sounds interesting, get the coordinates and set out to find it's treasure. The GPS will get you close and then the hunting begins. Some are big. My first one here was in an ammo can. As the pictures will show, some can be very small, as well. The small ones are called microcaches. At home, with the kids, most of the caches are big enough to hide little trinkets. The kids can pick one out to keep, but the geocaching rule is that you must replace it with a treasure of your own. That way there is always something for the next person to discover. It's a fun way to spend some time outside and a little bit challenging too. There are over 130 caches where I'm currently stationed.
Before we go any farther with this I would just like to thank the person that made this all possible. Without him, I wouldn't be over here enjoying this sport on the only morning I have off.
I didn't realize that he was this tall.
Below is Danny (Sgt. Danny Hayward) and me with one of the caches we found. As you can see, it isn't very large and can be easily hidden. Notice the lake. It's the same one that the giant fish from the video lives in. Danny has a far off look because we are both trying to get pictures at the same time.
Below: the cache is the little tiny black thing in my gloved hand. It's about the size of 2 hearing aid batteries and has a magnet on the back for holding it in place. It unscrews to reveal a small roll of paper that you sign, to prove you were there. Amazingly enough we got it back inside.
It's a fun way to hang out with friends. I don't think I'll find all 130+, but I'll continue to knock them out as the opportunities arise.
It's becoming more enjoyable lately because of the lower temps. It was only about 97 that day, with a slight breeze.
I know that it snowed in Bend on my wonderful wife's birthday. What a change from here! Wish I could have been there to enjoy it with her and the kids. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for looking in!
Hey Mike, It's Linda. I do enjoy all photos and seeing you friends too. The Geocaching sound fun for all to be start like you and your friends there. Are all of you doing this Geocaching treasure hunting on the base? Oh, you have cute legs Mike. Can you get on Z-21 News web site to see the snow on your wife birthday. Happy belated birthday Mrs. Wulf. My thoughts and prays for the 8 Soldiers and their families, who were killed last week. I am sorry, and my heart bleeds for the Soldiers and their family too. Take care my friend. Love,Linda
Hi Mike,
Great story about geocaching. We have tried it but must have either had poor directions or (the most likely scenario) poor searching skills. There is still just a tiny accumulation of snow in the shadowy places, but I think it's going to be a cold winter since it's freezing hard every night already. 97 doesn't sound too bad to me, but lots of folks are ready for the cooler weather.
Chris and the kids seem to be doing well. I saw Caitlyn riding her bike home from school earlier this week and she is growing so tall. Take care of yourself. Judie (and Dave) Deeks
Hey Mike, It's Linda, I will be down for a couple of weeks to get our computers fix from Gateway. John and I have a person in the company to help. We will talk to soon our friend and happy hunting on the GEOcaching and be save. I do care and love all of you of the 82nd Unit. God Bless all of you. Love, Linda Marshall. :o); :o) to all.
That is truely the smallest geocache I have ever seen. So glad you getting into it...the caching that is. You are in our prayers.
Hello Mike,
I too have done some geocashing in Idaho with miltary family member's. That is how and when I leard about it. I would guess it's been about 4 yrs now. Must admit haven't done it since then due to the lack of having a gps unit. It' was fun good way to pass time. The adventure of finding something is exciting. I was always amazed at the goofey stuff we found. Could tell if it was a family with kid hinding or just young adults. We all miss you at work.
I can't thank you enough for our freedoms we have. The wall of you and your adventures is growing. I do believe we will be spilling over on to myside of the clinic.
Again thanks, stay safe and God bless all you of there serving!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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