Today beginning at 0540 the Ft. Lewis 1/2 marathon was ran here at Liberty. About 250 runners from all over the base where there. TF stetson was well represented. Below is 1Lt William Garrett our medical platoon leader and friend. He won the race today. His time ~ 1:27:20 Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After. Will comming across the finish line. Nearest runner about 200m behind him.
Hey Mike, I read John your letter, we both enjoy and the photos too. Congras. to 1Lt. of winning the race. This is all some to see that all of you can take some time off to watch 1Lt. in the race. How are you these days? We are doing fine and working outside in the gardening and yard work. The weather is 65 degrees at the farm and the wind is pick up and sunny too.
John and I are watching D.I.Y. of Cool tools wishing we had some of the tools. These tools are all some to have of can go on line to is the shows. Well, John is taking for a sundae. I wishing all of us can go for sundaes someday soon. Oh us is the everyone at 82nd. Take care love ya. Love, Linda.
Mike I just answered your email
but I don't know if I pressed SEND
at the right place. Love mom...
Fabulas pictures in your blog
Cait did a great job with her newslettr
Hi Mike, John and I went to Redmond to do some shopping at Home Depot. And checking out we saw Lt. Long to buy to items he needed. I was surprise to see Lt. in comfort clothes and at Home Depot. We talked and I told him I got a letter from you about the race. He was happy that you and Lt. Long and I are keep in touch. Lt. told John and Seattle dog and I that he is heading up to Fort Lewis is get his Battle gear on this Friday and Lt. want you to know that anytime that you take a break for time off just let your Commander know. Then Lt. and both of us went our ways to home. We felt that Lt. want to go to work that he sign-up for.
I am very proud and honor all my heart to be both of you and Lt. friend. The both are very special to me, because of serving our country and my friend oh, my PA-Cs. Take care my friend. From Lt. Long and love Linda.
Hellooooooooo Mike, This your friends Linda and John and Seattle the family dog. Sorry, it has taking a long time to write to you. The problem was I got my computer, but I didn't get a power cord for the computer. So, John called Gateway tech. person to get a power cord send to us. I just got the power cord from Gateway.
Well, John and I have been seeing Diane, PA, she is helping Keith while he was in classes for a month. She has done a lot for John medically more than past FNP.. John also now seeing Dr. Thomas Scherer,MD. for the past week of battled of tests like a scope down his throat and his butt to his colon. Today, was the news that Dr. Scherer told John and I that John has a hernia the size of your fists and alcers in his throat and stomach. I got to take on a walk. I'll be back. We are back and back on John is going to do another test last friday 12-4-09and visit on the 8th to see Dr. Scherer will tell us the next step oh, I know sign the papers for surgery in January 2010 sometime.
Oh, about I planted a winter garden of radishes four kinds and mix lettuces and spinach and mix carrots all under old windows to create heat to grow. As oh today we saw sprouts, so I hope and pray the grow this winter. To have at least some greens to eat.
So, how is everyone at the Camp and you my freind? Mike and John's new hair cuts and congras. to John of his new rank. The flowering bushes are great to see some color near the Camp. I do always enjoy letters and the photos as well. I love you and all and miss all of you. Take care. Love ya Linda and John and Seattle. Happy turkey day.
Hi Mike. We just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING1 Hope you are doing okay. Thank you for all you are doing for us. Love Tim and Renee
Happy Holidays, Well today John and I went to a Benefit Breakfast for Pfc. Alex Johnson. The breakfast was good we all had pancakes, sausage links, sliced ham, scabbled eggs, juice, coffee for the price of $5.00 a person and donation were also put in a fireman boot. After breakfast John and I got to meet with Alex's Mom Becky and talk to her for while. Got meet with Pfc. Tommmy Tucker's Dad Wes. We talk about Tommy life and dreams and hopes in the furture with his parents. But, his life was cut short that we all know. While John and Wes and I were talking I starting to write down our address and phone number and just my email for him to have to just talk and see if he needs help on anything projects around the house and to start anything for the comuntity in Madras. Wes, would like to start up a Non-profit for the Veterans in Jefferson Country to want to be needed in their lives in this time. Three or four Men come over to help on any chores you need help around the household and or yard work of 3 hours and the price is just right for $40.00 you make a donations for a brick for a Miltary family member or a friend to put in the Friendship Park where Pfc. Thomas Tucker wonderful statue is at with a Irans little girl on a cliff. I told Wes to see I can do to help him on this Non-profit. Mike, if you or and anyone of your team have any ideas have them just email me or tell you alright. So, we can help Wes of his hopes and dreams started up. Oh, the community raised $500.00 for Pfc. Johnson medical bills and other items for him and his family. We talked about you and all the troops of how in important to be part of a soliders life and all Veterans and in their family lives of today world. Oh, I forgot to down that when anyone came in the firehall on a table was a sign you to sign for Pfc. Johnson to read of seeing how much we love him and his family and friends in war and home in Madras to be here for all of them to talk and I listen too. Becky got from the Warm Springs Women league got a homemade necklace and a reversable blanket as well to give to Alex. You can see all the folks oh there was one person wasn't a dry eye in the place for Becky. Well, the Fire Chief to clear out to out the engines and in the garage. And get ready for the Madras Christmas Parade tonight at 5:00 starting time. But, I was coming from Bi-Mart to take back the first Vcr and Dvd combo and get a new one. This has going on from Wednesday work up the TV and the combo together and hours as well. John has called Samsung Company for help and Directv too. Oh, John is still to hooking all together on his own and we are watching on the dvd of the Sants Claus 2 movie. Now he calling someone to get help to I think it is Directv company. Shoud I say more. So, I thought I would write you our week and day of fun yeah. Oh, have you seen the Santa Claus 2 with your family at home and now your family there? I readed in the Bend Bulletin in Oregon Christmas farm send all of you Oregon Christmas trees to have in the camps oh this week newspaper. You can read the article on their web site. Mike miss you and all the troops who I would like to know. I am give you the premission to share my email to your friends to write to me anytime day or night on my email address. It's linda@golden-computers or on my blog is LindaJMadras address. I will check my blog dailey and my email too. So. I write back.
I hope and pray for this war to be over but now July 2012 from your President said last week in his speech to all Americans here and there. Well, take care my friend. Love, Linda.
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