Sr. Airman Olanzo and Sgt. Capers (below)
1Lt Pong, Pharmacist. He has a dog named Ping!
Navy Corpsman Swatski, night shift medic
HM2 Connolly
and for that matter of the army!
LTC O'Leary
The Guys! Left to right:
Cpt. Carl Bonnett, ER doc from Colorado
Col. Syvenski, dentist from Colorado
Cpt. Christopher Studavent, PA from Oregon
Maj. Bill Stutts, Doc from Iowa
Our last night together at Ft. Benning before going home.
A great adventure with great friends!
with these soldiers, sailors and airmen.
I wish them well in the future and hope that all can come home safely!
Thanks to everyone that has followed up with the blog and supported myself and my family.