Its been a busy week. Worked at my first med cap. We were there for about 5 hours and we saw 631 people. Saw some interesting stuff. Most of it was very minor aches and pains. Some of the kids just wanted to be stong, they got flintstone vitimans. All the people were very nice and happy to see us. Our exam room was a tent about 8x8'. We had to leave both ends open to get some air. Men came through one tent and women went to the other one. The whole scene was kind of sureal. We had ANP (afghan national police) walking the walls around the enclosure with loaded AK's. Inside the wall facing out was the British army helping with security as well. All in all it was an exciting and wonderful day. I'll be doing another one soon with even more people at it. We are all trying to do what we can, sometimes it is very hard. You can't fix everyone, but the level of medical experience we bring to the table is very welcomed by the locals.
On Saturday I went with Bill over to KIA, another base near here. He was flying north for a few days. At the airport I saw planes from all the different militaries here. There are quite a lot of old russian planes comming in and out. A large rain storm delayed Bills flight. Got some pics of the wall of water comming towards us while waiting.
We ate lunch at the base too. We had the normal stuff, but wait there is more. What I thought were onion rings turned out to be squid, hugh track of it. And of course fresh brie cheese on the delli trays too. Soldiers from France, England, Germany, Greese, Oz Chech, and Turkey. Quite hard to ask someone to pass the salt.
Later I got to go to the bazar. It was different than the ones here. Much bigger and with a lot better quality stuff than we have at ours on post. Ours you just walk in to it and look around. Most of us wear our PT gear because you get better prices when they don't know your rank. Here at the front gate you strip off all your rank, name badge and unit insignia. Men gurad the gate with machine guns. I bought a leather jacket and some other stuff for the family. First stalls in the gate of all 3 bazars I've been to so far is the video seller. They have some old movies and brand new ones. I mean really brand new. I saw copies of The 300 and Shooter. I don't think these were out for more than a week back home. All movies are 2.50-3.00 a piece. One friend bought one and watched it. He stated that some women was sitting in front of the bottom of the movie with big hair blocking the bottom of the screen. Others have stated that if it is funny the movie bounces and you can here the crowd laughing. I got a couple of older movies, hoping that they were real. One I tried on the lap top was only in Asian voices. I returned it and got another movie.
Everyone talks about the rugs. I can see why. They are amazing to look at. Pursan and Afghan rugs made of silk and wool. The patterns are so fine and detailed, and the colors are vivid. One I liked so much I decided to ask how much. And the answer, 3800.00. I just took a picture and went on. Bill who was much more interested in them talked one dealer down from 1300.00 for 2 to 700.00. He hopes his wife likes them.
I sat down with 2 other soldiers at a jewel dealer and proceded to have a crash course on gems. I learned how to tell a fake from a real stone. Did you know that opals and rubys can be grown in a lab? Me neither. It was quite an interesting day. I made a lot of new friends too. At least I think so, because all the dealers kept saying to me as I walked by "My friend, I make good price for you because you are my new friend." I was completly tired after a whole day shopping. I only go to the mall once a year.
The weather was much nicer this week and we could go outside and get a little sun. I'm still working out in the gym though. The filtered air is much nicer than the combo of burning rubber and human waste. Much better on the lungs too.
I know I promised some pics of the food here, but forgot to take my camera to meals. I'll put it in my pocket in the morning and get some good ones this week along with some more from around the base to give you a better look at life here.
Thanks all for looking in, I'll try to keep it interesting.
Mom, great job getting on the web!!!!!!!!!
Mike- I'm over at Marion's computer because I may have fouled
mine==but on the way here I met Jim
Scott walking Gracie and he is going to come over in a day or two
and see what he can do for me. He
didn't know you had a blog, so he
will get your address.
The Mom Person
Good to hear you are having fun over there. The shopping sounds interesting. Jennie might want a rug. She got excited to hear about them from Chris.
The movies obviously are filmed on a camcorder in a movie theater. Funny!
Sure enjoy hearing about what is going on. Jen, Randy and I took Chris out for a movie Friday night and had a blast. We laughed a lot. Missed having you with us.
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