What a week. Just found out I'm too old to be drafted anymore. What a birthday! Spent most of it doing paperwork. Fun stuff. My closest co-workers knew and wished me a happy birthday. After dinner I had cake and ice cream. It wasn't for me, we have it available most nights. I just decided to have some.
Just wanted to say thank you for all the notes, and cards y'all have sent me for my birthday. I have read each one and love them. My wife and kids sent some gifts. One of the gifts was some glow-in-the-dark stars. I put some of them up today in my room, it's silly but fun. Tried to take a picture, but too dark.
This week has been busy, I don't know with what but it's been busy. I get to the end of each day and I'm exasusted. We've continued to workout - which is good because of the cake and ice cream. I'm slowly getting my projects done. I need to speed up the process because I won't be here that much longer, seems like it though. I've decided that the new shiny penny feeling has worn off.
The first group of Oregon soldiers have headed home. It was great to see them go, but also sad knowing that others are still here. So many just want to get home and see their families and friends. Others are arriving all the time to take their place. Everybody is teaching their replacements how to do their jobs and the important little things that make the job easier. The night the first group left, the area they stayed was rocketed. Praise the Lord no one was hurt. Just reminds you that you must always be aware of your surrounding and not let up until we are back on the ground in the U.S.
Please keep all the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines doing there jobs (willingly) in your prayers. The people in Congress will play their games to get elected, but I have met the people that actually do the country's will. I'm pretty safe here, but others place there lives on the line daily to protect their country and hopefully enable this country to stand on its own.
Thank you all for all your support and faithful prayers for me and my family,